Sotelo Creative Solutions
Contact Address:

Calle Hortaleza 108, 2º IzquierdaParlaMadridComunidad de Madridthe Kingdom of Spain28004

We are a technology company, based in Madrid and A Coruña, specialized in the development of custom software and systems, mobility solutions and digital transformation for the industrial and financial sector. Another of our business areas is the development and consulting of ERP and CRM with Odoo. We create digital products that help companies to modernize their processes and optimize and innovate throughout the product lifecycle. The work culture at Sotelo is based on 4 key aspects of our DNA; integrity, innovation and research and collaboration. Our values help us define the relationships we have with each other and with our customers, seed the company culture and directly feed Sotelo's mission and vision. Since 2016, we have been offering everything our clients need to obtain quality technical results quality technical results, but also dedicating special attention to design and user experience. attention to design and user experience.
